Family and pets: 

broken image

Development of bond betweenhumans and pets with time :

The unbreakable bondthat exists between a pet and its owneris not a new trend; in fact, it can be traced back to the beginning of time when the ancient human beings would let exiled wolves in the embrace of their safety and the latterwould help the former hunt. As civilization grew and became more developed manifesting in the form of Mohenjodaro and Babylon among other ancient cities, the bond between human beings and pets only became more palpable as they began to take care of each other. And as time rolled by, pets found a place not just in the house but ourcouch and in the heart.

Why only cats and dogs?  

In the last fewdecades, people have decided they would no longer only scrape the surface, and eventually transgressed the notion that the word "pet" only implies cats and dogs. We started taking bears, big cats such as tigers and lions, cows, ducks and all sorts of animals with a body to stroke and pet. Suffice to
say, we did not let danger dictate us, for we were brave enough to even tame snakes and regard them as slender, long equivalent for traditional pets. They have indeed proved to be asamiable and welcoming if trained right if not more than our kitties and doggies.

Why should youconsider taking in a pet?  

There is an arsenal ofreasons you should consider having a pet. First and foremost, the current hectic pace of life has been taking an irreversible toll on us as well as our mental health. It happens more sothan never that our busy schedule does not let us make the most of our day and we find our bodies perishing on bed. But one glance at our pets can avert such a situation.

Studies and researcheshave clearly demonstrated that spending just a few minutes with our pets can distress us. In fact, they act like antidepressants and dopamine to our fatigue-worn minds.The benefits are not only relegated to mental health; our physiological health, too, can profit off of the presence of pets. Scientists have found that a purring cat releases a certain kind of radiation and sound frequencies that help muscles andbones rejuvenate and heal. Moreover, it does not always have to be about scientific reasons and explanations as to why and how. Having a fur ball and wiggling good boy/girl sauntering around your body can make youwant to join them in their fun and, as a matter of fact, makes you go on a walk, which in turn reduces cholesterol level. Probably keeping a pet is the most lucrative association to introverts and people with anxiety as they no longer have to let the need to socialize frequently and the fear of loneliness torment them . And even if they do have to socialize anyway, having a benign creature can up your mood and give you more confidence to be your most simmering self. Furthermore, it is probably known in every corner of the globe that pets, especially dogs, are renowned guards for our homes. Having a guard dog in the premise can reduce the chances of being robbed to an unprecedented low and your safety would be upheld in all conditions.


At this point, no candeny that pets are lovable creatures capable of loving you the same and acting like your children. Pets indeed are ourchildren, just in a furry costume with a keen penchant for cuddling with " hoomans". Nothing can defythe bond that we have woven with our little friends.